14 thoughts on “BEDROOM

  1. When we share bedrooms with others it can be bad if they wet the bed or talk in there sleep OR snore. Sarah Out

  2. I think we all should sleep in our own bedroom because when you sleep with someone people can make noises when you sleep and they can look at your privacy in your bedroom and your home work.

  3. Dear 3L

    I shared a bedroom with my younger brother until I was 21. We used to fight a lot about what we put on our walls and what music we listened to. But now my brother is one of my closest friends. I loved moving into my own room but overall I loved sharing a room too.

    I am interested to read the comments you are all writing. Thank you

  4. kids shoud have there own bedroom beucase when your brother is coming in your room you can lock your door

  5. Hi msLockyer I think Children sould sleep in there own bed because they need there privacy and lock the door so girls don’t shavef them to the bed and pock lipstck on them from Lucas.M

  6. I think we should have our own bedroom because when you go to sleep and you have a little brother or sister and they wake you up with you crying or screaming how are you going to get back to sleep??
    So that’s why I think we should have own bedroom!

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