Disrupting the Frog Lifecycle

This photo was taken at Taylor’s Lakes this year. Taylor’s Lakes is home to several species of frog.
Look carefully at the photo. What do you notice? Can you make any connections between what you notice and any possible disruptions to the frog lifecycle? Write your comment here.


35 thoughts on “Disrupting the Frog Lifecycle

  1. The people don’t care about the frogs because they keep littering. They might not care about the frog’s environment.
    The frog’s lifecycle will be disrupted because people are destroying their habitat by throwing rubbish in their home and creating pollution.

    • What a very thoughtful response, Jasmine. I know that you have noticed the detail in the photo. How do you think litter interrupts the frog lifecycle? Do you think it interrupts any particular stage of the lifecycle? You might like to show your Mum this post and write another one with her, because ‘Together Is Better’ when it comes to thinking!
      Ms Lockyer

  2. i think people dont care about the frogs.
    people litter in there home,so thay can die.
    the tloly that was in the water may be people don’t care about the frogs lifecicle.

    • Thank you for your very thoughtful comment, Tara.
      Do you think people don’t care about frog lifecycle, or they just don’t know?
      Which stage of the frog lifecycle do you think might be more affected by the shopping trolley rubbish?
      Ms Lockyer

    • Thank you for your comment Joshua. Keep thinking, and dig deeper into your thinking. What has litter or rubbish got to do with the lifecycle of the frog? Do you think the litter affects one particular part of the frog lifecycle? You might like to show this to your parents and get them thinking and commenting too.
      Ms Lockyer

    • Thank you for your caring comment Joshua.
      Can you dig deeper into your thinking? Can you make a connection with the rubbish and what might happen at one stage of the frog lifecycle? Maybe you could talk about this with your parents and get them to help you write more comments.
      Ms Lockyer

    • That’s some great thinking in your comment, Daniel. Do you think this happens often at this stage of the crocodile lifecycle? Which creatures do this? Make another comment to deepen your thinking.
      Ms Lockyer

  3. I think people do not care because they litter in the frogs home . If people litter in their habitat they can die because the water is to dirty and the frogs mite eat the rubish. If they die the life cycle will be disrupted.

    • Thanks for your comment Dion. Can you think more deeply about how people’s actions affect the frog lifecycle? Are there any clues in the photo about this. Please make another comment.
      Ms Lockyer

    • Thanks for the comment, Madison. Can you make another comment to explain how you think litter affects the frogs? Does the litter problem affect one particular stage of the frog lifecycle?
      Ms Lockyer

    • That is my pleasure, Tara. While I am in Perth visiting my family, I miss my students very much. I love reading everyone’s blog comments. Also, I have some good news: we have three new quadblogging friends in other parts of the world, and I will tell you all a out them when I return.
      Ms Lockyer

    • Thanks for your comment William. Can you grow your thinking? Can you have a go at explaining how the trolley in the water disrupts the frog lifecycle? Do you think it affects a particular stage of the frog lifecycle?
      Ms Lockyer

  4. I dont like how people throw rubbish in the pool. How do you feel when people throw rubbish at you. That hurts the frogs feelings. I dont think people care about the lifecycle.

    • Jasmine, your comment really shows that you are a very caring person. How do you think the rubbish affects the health of the frog? Do you think it might affect one particular stage of the frog lifecycle?
      Ms Lockyer

    • Marcus, you have done some good thinking in your comment. I think you are right, that people may not know that frogs live there. Can you make a comment about how to let people know, and how we can tell the about the effect on the frog lifecycle?
      Ms Lockyer

    • Antonio, this is a really interesting comment. I think we need to research if frogs eat rubbish. Maybe you could check through Children’s Britannica Online on our College website? Please make another comment if you find out more.
      Ms Lockyer

    • Chanel, this is a great comment. You are making me think more deeply, that if there is no nice water, frogs will not live. Do you think dirty water affects one particular part of the frog lifecycle? Please make another comment.
      Ms Lockyer

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