About brettelockyer

Year Two teacher from Perth, Western Australia.

Catherine Presents: Tuesday Night live

Untitled from brette lockyer on Vimeo.

Catherine has created an episode of Tuesday Night Live to convince us about the fact that tomato sauce may be a poor choice that affects our health and wellbeing. Leave a comment for Catherine to ask her anything that is bugging you, or that you are wondering about.

Vimeo not working for you? Watch here: Tuesday Night Live – Tomato sauce

GREEN POTIONS – guest blog post by Adisa

One beautiful blocky day in Minecraft Jenna and Adisa decided to make some mischief. Jenna said “Why don’t we spill green potion on people?”
First they spilled green potions on cows, chickens and sheep. They started to get tired. Adisa finally said “This is boring.”
Jenna then added “Maybe we should spill it on people.”
“That’s a great idea” shouted Adisa.
They started in their own server. Then they joined someone else’s server. This server is called Notch’s Server.
“Who the heck is Notch” Adisa wondered.
“Well I don’t know” replied Jenna in a curious voice. “This guy’s online. Maybe we should find out.”
“OMG”! Jenna and Adisa said together.
“Look there’s Notch” Adisa pointed out.
“Nobody cares” Jenna said.
Jenna and Adisa trolled other players by pouring the green potions on them when they walked in front of their doors.
Adisa said “I’m going to spill the potion on Justin Bieber.”
Adisa was about to spill the potion when Notch came.
“Stop that” Notch bravely demanded.
“Please don’t ban us!”
“Oh I won’t. Instead I hereby order you to go to jail.”
Notch led the two girls in. He let them build stuff but they could not mine.


Made for our class assembly, the students have used the slogan ‘Level Up’, as mentioned in the EdTech Crew podcast edtechcrew.net/podcast/ed-tech-crew-219-communal-bathrooms They have chosen an aspect of their learning in which they have improved , or ‘levelled up.’

Have you ‘levelled up’ in any other aspect of your learning? Leave a comment here.  Do you have any tips to give others about how to level up in learning? Let us know in your comment.

Vimeo not working? Click here: Level Up


Last week we practised washing our hands, and investigated the reasons why we should wash our hands well.

Blog Comment Challenge: Write a sentence about handwashing, and include one of our power words: AND, HOWEVER,  or BUT. These words will help you to write a sentence that convinces the reader of your point of view.


Vimeo not working on your computer? Try here: lunchbox

As part of our Writers’ Workshop, we said the phrase “It’s in my lunchbox!” We could choose which way to say it: with anger, sadness, surprise, boredom, happiness, puzzlement. We then used our experience to write quality sentences with lots of detail.

Thank you Hannah for your excellent video camera work.

Can you guess which way the actors are saying their sentence? Which emotion are they expressing?

Ava’s Reading Conference

MAH00422 from brette lockyer on Vimeo.

Vimeo movie not working on your device? Play here:  Ava’s Reading Conference

Ava participated in a very successful reading conference last week. Her reading goal was Comprehension, and she was practising the strategy of ‘Make a picture in your head.’ We used the Elizabeth Honey poem ‘Sally’s Secrets’. This video demonstrates how Ava and Ms Lockyer made pictures in their head after reading the poem, to help understand what the poem is about.

Thank you Hannah for your excellent video camera work.

In your comment, give Ava some feedback about her reading progress, or let us know how you have used the strategy.

The Daily Five with Lucas C

With Hannah’s help Lucas presents two helpful segments on our Daily Five Literacy routine. First, Lucas gives us some tips for successful ‘Read To Self’. Then we see Lucas in a reading conference with the teacher, discussing his goal of accuracy and strategy of ‘look closely at the words and letters.’
Thank you Lucas and Hannah.

Can you comment here with any tips for a successful Daily Five session?