Our retell of ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes produced some fabulous quality sentences. Here are a few of them.  Leave a comment to any of the writers, telling them what you liked about their sentences, or giving them tips to improve their writing.

“Then they saw a tail, two horns and two bat-like wings.”  CJ

“It was all over the world with pictures falling off walls, cups and mugs falling off shelves and houses moving side by side.’ SARAH

‘The hill started to shake and shake and SHAKE!’ BREANNA

‘What’s that giant thing in the darkness?’ ADISA-0y

‘”I can’t take it any longer!” shouted the dragon.’ LAUREN

‘”If you don’t accept my challenge, I can’t even bother with you.”‘ MADISON

‘There, in front of you, walking in front the all mighty Iron Man, off into the cliff, then he walks into nothing.’ CATHERINE

‘It was a dark winter night when a weird shape appeared in the sky.’ JOSHUA

‘When he reached the ground, all that was left of the Iron Man was bits of his body.’ HARRISON

‘But the Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon said in one week that he needs food or then he will stick his long tongue all around the world! ‘ RAM


  1. Hi Sarah I liked your Iron Man sentence because I think it was Extremaily powerful. it was really easy to imagine the house shaking like in an earthquake.
    How did you come up with that sentence?
    From your friend

  2. Hi Cj I really liked your powerfull because you gave some power into your powerful sentences and because you said that the bat wings came closer

  3. Hi CJ I really like your spelling but I don’t want to make you sad but I think you should improve your spelling and you need to write a full sentence

  4. Hello ms Lockyer
    at the moment Lucas and I are teaching mr conde how to blog. Who are you teaching how to blog?
    from cj.

  5. Dear Joshua, that is a great comment about iron man, from you and other class members. Do you think iron man is strong? Is he a great man to follow?

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