How Have I Changed Since I Was a Baby?

How Have I Changed Since I was a Baby? from brette lockyer on Vimeo.

As part of our Inquiry into lifecycles, we have been examining our own lifecycle. How have we changed since we were babies? In this activity we aimed to describe our changes as a scientist would: using specific term and accurate descriptions.
What do you think? Have we used scientific language in our movie? Comment here.

Flip the Alphabet Buddy Activity with Grade 2E

This maths activity was very interesting, and more enjoyable because we got to teach it to our friends in Grade 2E.

Which letters of the alphabet still look the same after a vertical flip?  Which of them still look the same after a horizontal flip?  Are there any letters which look the same after both a horizontal and a vertical flip?  Write your answer here in the comments.

Flip the Alphabet from brette lockyer on Vimeo.

Tara Reads

Tara really impressed us with this video of her reading of the book ‘Car Trouble’. Her Mum Soraia and I thought it had a great message in it.

After we watched the video the class discussed which reading strategies we noticed Tara using. We heard her ‘back up and re-read’. We also noticed that she read contraction words correctly and used speech marks very effectively to help us to understand what was going on. These are part of the strategy of using punctuation to make sense of what you read.

Can you notice Tara using any other strategies in her reading?  Leave your comment here.

Tara Reading from brette lockyer on Vimeo.