Our Thursday Divinity – or Religious Education – lesson was held in our garden. We learnt about how worms can help the world, as well as how we can help the world.  God made the world for us to live in and we should not waste his wonderful world.  When God made the world he was very kind and made it so we would survive.

We were putting in worm castings so that things will grow really well in our garden. We have worms in the classroom because they are really interesting and the worm castings are useful.

The people in the Bible story didn’t need to worry because if god looks after the birds and the flowers, he will look after us.

If there is a bushfire God will look after you. He designed people to look after one another, so families and friends are really important for caring. God gave us all manners too for caring.  God talks to you in your head and helps you with good thinking.

All over the world everybody’s god is different but their gods all care for people and birds and flowers.

I am wondering what about people who didn’t believe in God and how did they survive in Bible times? Do you have any wonderings about God?  Leave a comment here.