Make Your Own Words: Chanel and Isabella

Chanel and Isabella have cfreated their own ‘Goggles-and-Spike’ movie. Starring Brainiac, it’s all about making compound words. Brainiac loves anything to do with Word Work, word puzzles and spelling.

Did you find the movie useful?  Can you suggest any more compound words which could be used in Part 2?


Antonio, Ben, Brodie, Ella, Hannah, Isabella, Lucas, Tara, William, Zoe and Genie all worked hard to run the stall at our College Country Fair. Thank you team – we could not have done it without you. Thanks to all the Grade 2L team for the preparations as well.  Would you like to know more about it?  Ask them a question in your comments.


During our Maths investigation into measuring capacity, we discovered how many blocks or cubes fit inside a box. We also practised visualising how many blocks might be used in a shape where not all of the blocks can be seen.  Can you view the Voicethread and guess how many blocks?