GUEST BLOG POST: Antonio, “The Spooky Dungeon”

Someone got in a scary place.  It was very loud.  It was dusty.

Everyone was freezing when the ghost got closer and closer while the people were getting colder and colder.

And then the ghost has disappeared.

One hour later the people heard crackling.  It was doors banging. When the people came closer the doors went louder and louder.

And then someone was behind the doors.  It was a wolf.  The wolf chased the people.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh” said the people. They were safe from the dungeon but not from the wolf. Closer and closer came the wolf with his hot breath and sharp teeth right behind them.


William’s Mum Gail leads a group of young mathematicians who are showing the link between numbers and how these can be described using a number sentence.  They used the apps ‘DoodleBuddy’ and ‘ShowMe’ on the iPad.  It was a marvellous way to record their thinking.

Do you think they should make another video?  What should they do to improve their work?